Students are like plants that are in need of nourishment such a type of skilled Gardner like us (teachers).
Ms. Priya patterson Dias
Dear Parents and Students,
Greetings to all of you!
As I being my terms of office here at All Saints’ family into the hands of the Almighty that he may bless protect and guide us with his loving providence and guardianship and wisdom every day of our journey together.
Children are the gift of nature. They are like plants who are in need of nourishment such s type of skilled Gardner like us (teachers). To make worthy students, teachers must be worthy. Now, the question arises amongst us-how to make the students worthy and cultured. Hence, there are two words ‘PUNCTUALITY’ and ‘DISCIPLINED’,
I think Punctuality is the emerging point of the discipline; we want not only to impart the bookish knowledge of the text book but to shape them to the apex of success in every sense of the wood.
The vision of All Saints’ is to mould responsible global citizen, the activities are conducted, be it curricular or co-curricular in order to hone skills, that eventually help the students to achieve this vision, Our endeavour is to develop empathy in our students.
We strive to achieve our Motto- “PLEASING TO MEN AND GOD”.
We desire our students to carve a niche for themselves in this wide world. Each child who moves out of the portals of this school should have a sense of belongings and be a brand ambassador be it the field of environment, empowerment and safety of all the citizen or any social cause for this we need the support of all the parents, teachers, students, government and management and all the people who are connected to us.
Prayers and blessings in the name of our precious lord.
Quality Education
We focus on learning in clam environment with all the required facilities.
Overall Developement
To achieve overall development of students we introduced special activates.
Safe Enviornment
Safety of every child is ensured in every level of educational Process.